Both of these articles explore the idea of legalising gay marriage but both written from a perspective, with bias incorporated in both. Four of the key facts that both articles, one of which states the main idea, that a group of Conservatives wrote a letter to the Prime minister, David Cameron, trying delay the vote on ‘same sex marriage’. Another fact they clearly express is that the group which wrote the letter is the same, named ‘Grassroots’. As well as that they both involve the amount of people involved in the group but they are not the same, one states it was a group of 20, where as the other states it was 22, as a reader this results in uncertainty. Finally the forth fact is that there will be most defiantly be a vote on the legalisation of gay marriage.
Both articles are written from a perspective, as a result of this bias is incorporated in both, indirectly expressing their opinion on the subject. The title immidietly shows hints of bias as the article by Juliette Jowit simply gives the fact that the group of Conservatives are trying to urge David Cameron to delay the bill on same sex marriage, where as the article written by Hannah Furness shows clear involvement, stating that David Cameron has ‘betrayed’ the Grassroots over the idea of legalising same sex marriage. This is bias as it is not fact they have been betrayed, it is portrayed as a quote but still incorporates bias as the title is not at a neutral position.
Another way the journalists have indirectly incorparated bia is by the choice of their image, one is an image of the Grass roots on Downing Street, showing they are serious about there opinions on same sex marriage, where as the other is presumably the same sex holding each others hands, both pictures express bias as again they are not from a neutral position, both show they have their own opinions on the matter.





