Category: Communication

  • Of mice and men

    Of Mice and Men controlled assessment: Explore the ways thwarted dreams and aspirations is developed in Of Mice and Men. ‘The ideal by which equality of opportunity is available to any American, allowing the highest aspirations and goals to be achieved.’ This is the American dream, it describes the aspirations of most American citizens. Even…

  • Of Mice and Men Controlled Assessment

    Have a go at assessing your last Controlled Assessment against the AQA criteria

  • Key Quotations from M&M

    Story old by George- Page 15 Crooks stating his realistic view- Page 84 Crooks begins to buy into the dream- Page 86 After buying into the offer, he retracts his offer and shuts down- Page 94

  • Controlled Assessment

    How have extremes of emotion expressed in Titus Andronicus and selected WW1 poetry been effectively created by the writers’ craft and performance of the drama text on stage, on screen and in the classroom? Extremes of emotions can have a significant effect on people, as the action of one can result in a retaliation or…

  • An emotion present in both texts and the play is raw anger as actions in the play and text of Titus Andronicus are ones that force the character to act and react with these emotions enforced upon them, as well as Titus Andronicus the poem also expresses anger towards the actions of the innocent soldiers,…

  • Summary of Act 2, science 1, 2, 3 and 4

    SCENE 1 Ruminating on his mistress’ new found glory, Aaron resolves to cuckold Satuninus and join Tamora in undermining Satuninus’ rule and Rome’s peace and order when he comes upon Tamora’s sons Demetrius and Chiron who are in the midst of a quarrel over Lavinia. Aaron censures them for presuming to openly quarrel for the…

  • Act 3, Scene 2

    With folded arms. This poor right hand of mine Is left to tyrannize upon my breast, Who, when my heart, all mad with misery, Beats in this hollow prison of my flesh, Then thus I thump it down. To Lavinia. Thou map of woe, that thus dost talk in signs! When thy poor heart beats…

  • Ruminating on his mistress’ new found glory, Aaron resolves to cuckold Satuninus and join Tamora in undermining Satuninus’ rule and Rome’s peace and order when he comes upon Tamora’s sons Demetrius and Chiron who are in the midst of a quarrel over Lavinia. Aaron censures them for presuming to openly quarrel for the favors of…

  • Aaron

    ‘Then, Aaron, arm thy heart, and fit thy thoughts, To mount aloft with thy imperial mistress’ Love, Arron’s motive was for his emotional attachment towards Tamora to be accepted and openly welcomed. This is a worth while motive for Aaron, as Tamora is the queen therefore has to power to make decisions out of the…

  • Now climbeth Tamora Olympus’ top, Safe out of fortune’s shot, and sits aloft, Secure of thunder’s crack or lightning flash, Advanc’d above pale envy’s threat’ning reach. As when the golden sun salutes the morn, And, having gilt the ocean with his beams, Gallops the zodiac in his glistering coach, And overlooks the highest-peering hills: So…