In this poem there is a use of present continuous tense, meaning the author has intended to tell the story from a “On going” present tense. The effect this has is small but a very effective one. The effect it has on the reader is quite intense as it give the reader/listener of the story  an idea of the characters position, this I would give off an intense feeling as the position of the character is one of endangerment.

An example of continuous present is “I’m waving the white flag” this is continuous present as it is describing the character waving the flag right at the moment. This sentence is affective as it is written so the reader/listener feels present and can picture this action. Also    the affect could release more emotion due to the feeling of being present In that situation.

The idea of a poem being written in a present continuous tense is suggesting that the actions or situation which is under going is taking place over a longer period of time then just the present tense and will heave more of an emotional affect as you immediately picture the character going through a strenuous time.






One response to “”

  1. Christopher Waugh Avatar

    The additional comment about the ‘continuous’ part of the “present continuous” tense finishes off what is a very clear, insightful and well-expressed answer.

    Job done.

