Examples of sarcasm in text would be the repetition of a letter, for example ‘naaaa’, this would indicate that the individual is using the repition of the letter ‘a’ to show that he’s last reply of the person he is having a text convosation with was obvious statement. Sarcasm is hard to conovel in a text convosation as  it is normally indicated in a spoken convostation with the tone of the speakers voice or a paralinguistic feature, for example as facial expression or a hand gesture.






One response to “”

  1. Christopher Waugh Avatar

    This is a nicely worded explanation of sarcasm and how it is conveyed in spoken conversation – also allowing you to show ways sarcasm could be communicated in text communication.

    The only real issue with it is the spelling of a number of the words – which you suggest may be largely due to the vagaries of autocorrect. This obviously won’t be a problem during the final assessment as this won’t be on iPads.

