Transcript 2 – Improved version.

Transcript 2

As part of their GCSE Spoken Language study, these boys recorded samples of everyday conversation. From this they will generate transcripts which they will analyse for features unique to spoken language.
 This is the improved version.
Levi: What lesson do you have next?
Jack: Got maths next.
Levi: With  who?
Jack: Mr.Askan
Levi:The one that looks like you?
Jack: Na he don’t look like me!
Levi: Yeah he does.
Jack: No he doesn’t.
Levi: Yeah he does.
Jack: You look like Mr.U!
Levi: Was that funny?!
Jack: Hmmm, yeah.
Levi: Init Alfie looks like Mr.Durant?
Levi: Don’t  laugh!
Alfie: I got MR.U next.
Alfie: Did you get that homework, the sheets?
Levi: Who me?
Jack: Yeah, week 1, week2 yeah I got dat.
Alfie: Have  you done it?
Jack: Naa, not yet its not due till Thursday.
Alfie: We’ve  done three.
Jack: Were just on week three.
Levi: What did you do yesterday?
Jack: Went gym.
Levi: With  who?
Jack: My brother.
Levi: Who’s  your brother?
Jack: Alby!
Levi: Ohh yeah!
Jack: Did you forget ?
Levi: Yeah.
Jack: What lesson you got next?
Levi: Errmmmm…..ermmmm…ermm..
Jack: Ok, don’t worry.
Levi: RE!
Jack: With who?
Levi: Ermmmm…ermmmm
Jack: Ah let’s change the subject!
Levi: Na, Mr.Evans.
Jack: Oh, isit?
Levi: It’s  calm.
Jack: Who’s  in your class?
Levi: Errmmmm……couple people.
Alfie: Like who?
Levi: Errmmmm…
Alfie: You don’t know who’s in your class?
Levi: Do you want me to name everyone?
Alfie: Naa, just a couple people!
Levi: Ermmm..Billy, Ryan, Rashad n Ann Marie.
Jack: Is  it jokes?
Levi: Um…yeah.
Alfie: Do you have miss.naylan-Francis?
Levi: Na Mr.Evans.
Alfie: Have you had Miss.Neylan-Francis or just Mr.Evans?
Levi: Naa Miss.Neylan-Francis, cos Mr.evans isn’t a RE teacher!
Alfie: Yeah I know buh she might not ave been in!
Levi:  So.Ermmm..anyway..





