Let them fall.
Listen to the peaceful flow of descending golden beauty. Feel the essence of freedom whistling so elegantly through the locks of your dirty blonde hair. Look naively at the purely coloured petals, so dangerously beautiful. Smell the scent of innocence, so still, yet swaying freely in the palm of the winds grasp. Touch the base of the beauty, the structure of the innocence, so sturdy, broad and humble. Let them guide you, let the pure surrounds flow through your veins and support your suffering, for you desire only the purest cure.
On the edge of your entire existence, images vaguely drifting through your mind. Stand strong; let no metal demon determine your fate. Let it not pierce through your confidence as it entered your lung. Breathe freely; breathe in the cure of perfection. Never let an object of such pain stop your journey for your life has led you to this moment. Stand proud with the badge of your nation resting above your heart. Your knees will not hit the floor surrendering to the ground; you will not mirror the movement of these golden leaves.
If surrounded by such natural beauty, why does the light feel dark and dismal? Around the birth of new life, floats the mind of a life taken so freely. The bullet guided by the aim of such terror, soars viciously through the bitterness of the fresh air.





