Explore the methods Steinbeck uses to demonstrate the effects of isolation on people in Of Mice and Men.
Steinbeck demonstrates and develops characters through the idea of isolation, effects he uses contribute to the development of characters such as loneliness, prejudice, the American dream, broken dreams and relationships between individuals at that time.
“S’pose you had to sit here and read books”. Isolation in this novella is frequent and builds dramatic and frictional relationships between characters. The quote I have used directly demonstrates isolation for the only black character; he is purposely isolated for one reason, the colour of his skin. “This is just a nigger talkin’ an a busted-black nigger so it don’t mean nothing, see?” This indicates that the isolated black man, named ‘Crooks’ has been removed and isolated from the mainly white group for such a large period of time that ‘Crooks’ has lost self-confidence and is beginning to doubt his position and roll at the ranch.
Loneliness links with isolation as the isolated characters are seen as the loneliest. “You can talk to people, but I can’t talk to nobody but Curley”. This expresses that Curley’s wife has feelings of loneliness and needs comfort and a relationship with someone other than her husband, Curley. She has also been isolated from the group, as she is the only female on the ranch and is seen as a very flirtatious woman who is often described as a ‘Tart’. “A guy needs somebody near him” Crooks is also a character who has been isolated from the group and is openly suffering from loneliness. This shows the link between isolation and loneliness, in which that the characters being isolated are openly expressed as the loneliest.
“S’pose you couldn’t go into the bunk house and play rummy ‘cause your black”. Prejudice is a very important element that contributes of the demonstration of isolation as prejudice is the main reason for the isolation of some characters. This quote is a clear example of prejudice as the group at the ranch are ‘prejudging’ the isolated black man ‘Crooks’ mainly for the colour of his skin and not his personality. At that time (1930’s) black people not seen as part of the society and were separated from the 100% white group.
“We got a future” Many people during The Great Depression believed in the American dream and dreamt of ‘living of the fat of the land’ but rarely did they achieve it. “We’re gonna have a little house and a couple acres an’ a cow and some pigs and…”





