Steinbeck expresses a extreme level of isolation of any other individual who it not a white male, he expresses the isolation of the only female on the ranch through her husband Curley. Curley is a majorly aggressive and concealed character and Steinbeck uses him as a barrier to isolate his wife. Steinbeck isolates Crook in a very different way, this example of isolation is very direct and the large majority of white males on the ranch express their thoughts of Crooks, who is seen as a “Smelly Nigger’ and is not allowed enter to bunk house.






One response to “”

  1. Christopher Waugh Avatar

    This is an interesting observation. I wonder though, even while he doesn’t complain of it – even Slim doesn’t appear to have a lot of strong human connections.

    I think Steinbeck’s over-all idea is that society has degenerated to the point where no-one has strong relationships any more. They look after themselves only, and as a result they’re all worse off.

    The important thing in these paragraphs to take them on from where you are with this one is to ask yourself all the time “Why does Steinbeck do this?” or “what is the consequence of this?”
