John Steinbeck uses various methods to underline the theme of loneliness, one very direct way he has portrayed this is by two characters having a conversation expressing their personal feelings “a guy talkin’ to another guy and it don’t make no difference if he don’t hear or understand. The thing is, they’re talkin’”. This indicates that the relationships between individuals of that time were very separated. People lacked the main aspect of a relationship, trust, as a result of this relationships built suspicion. Another way he has expressed loneliness in this novel is by the actions and personalities of the characters, for example Curleys Wife is a very of attention or a stable relationship. This expresses she is not satisfied with her marriage with Curley is lacking these features.






One response to “”

  1. Christopher Waugh Avatar

    This paragraph starts very well.

    Try not to put too much into one paragraph. Stick to a point for each one – so the idea about Curley’s wife would be better left to a paragraph about her, or about characters in general.
