Notes on Of mice of men

The main point John Steinbeck is trying to portray is the relationship disfunctions between people of that time, he portrays the lack of trust between people also for examole when the boss asked the question of if George is taking Lennies money for the work he will be doing. This is a perfect example of trust issues as its shows what it expected of people at that time.This also shows how they do not expect such trustworthy relationship between George and Lennie, how it is seen as diffrent when it would just be seen as a normal, close relationship in this present day.

He also expressed how women were preseved at that time, he explains how men saw women as just sexual objects and nothing else. In this book the only women character is described as a ‘A tart’ this also shows the lack of respect towards women and how they are in the shadow of the men, as if they have not got their own individual personality. Basically the women of that time were seen in a very negative way where-as now it would be seen as inappropriate. I believe this women is so confident and has such a flirty manor about her because she is the only women on the farm, which means she is the only sexual atraction for the men.

John Steinbeck also indirectly indicates how little emotion attachment individuals have for each other. He describes how if someone or something has no practical use, it is no longer of a use to anyone. Also how easily that useless subject can be replaced, with no hesitation.

There is not just negative outlook on women but also people of other races such as ‘Crook’ who is of a African background. He is completely separated from the rest of the predominantly white group. Even though he is though of as talented and of use to the group and ranch, he is looked down upon for one reason, he’s skin colour.





