Category: Communication

  • Creativity in Spoken, Text and web-based Language. In this essay I am going to explore the creativity used in spoken, text and web-based language. I am going to explore the different tools of communication and what effect they have in convocation, also I am going to analyse how people use them in different ways due…

  • Examples of sarcasm in text would be the repetition of a letter, for example ‘naaaa’, this would indicate that the individual is using the repition of the letter ‘a’ to show that he’s last reply of the person he is having a text convosation with was obvious statement. Sarcasm is hard to conovel in a…

  • Transcript 2 – Improved version.

    Transcript 2 As part of their GCSE Spoken Language study, these boys recorded samples of everyday conversation. From this they will generate transcripts which they will analyse for features unique to spoken language.  This is the improved version. Levi: What lesson do you have next? Jack: Got maths next. Levi: With  who? Jack: Mr.Askan Levi:The…

  • finally got the new iPads in class! These will help.

  • This is Your Online Domain

      Hello and welcome to your personal online journal. This platform has been created to enhance and enrich your learning at the London Nautical School. Its purpose is to provide you with an audience for your work (or work-in-progress) and you have the choice (by altering the ‘visibility’ of your posts) of whether your work…