Category: Communication

  • Let them fall. Listen to the peaceful flow of descending golden beauty. Feel the essence of freedom whistling so elegantly through the locks of your dirty blonde hair. Look naively at the purely coloured petals, so dangerously beautiful. Smell the scent of innocence, so still, yet swaying freely in the palm of the winds grasp.…

  • Let them fall. Listen to the peaceful flow of descending golden beauty. Feel the essence of freedom whistling so elegantly through the locks of your dirty blonde hair. Look naively at the purely coloured petals, so dangerously beautiful. Smell the scent of innocence, so still, yet swaying freely in the palm of the winds grasp.…

  • Let them fall. Listen to them fall, so innocent in their flow. Around the beauty of bright confident flowers, stand tall the base of structure. Feel free, run through the perfection. Scream at the world, let no one stop your journey. For you, are so perfect, like the creations that surround you. Like snowflakes falling…

  • Listen, to the leaves descending through the natural, youthful, yet so ancient air. Feel the golden, brittle leaves crunch under the power of your leather soles. Smell the scent of life, fresh untouched petals so rich in colour, pure in sight that seemed so dangerously beautiful. Look at the trees so perfectly twisting into shapes…

  • I would never let them win, they slap arrogance into my face like a violent criminal, all so natural for them. Underneath my smile rests an urge to strike out. Tighten my fist and gracefully swing in the direction of his nose. Yet, at this present time these were just vague thoughts in my mind,…

  • Guards stood still surrounding the car, yet an immense sense of authority was present. Mist filled the air, covering every building in sight. In front of the car and the still guards was a building, not a tall building yet still seemed to overpower its surroundings. Beneath the bridge was a river, free flowing through…

  • Around the car stood a sense of authority through the guards. Infront of the car was also two guards standing upright. Directly in front of the car was a building overpowering everything around it. Beneath the car was a river, within the industrial city. The air was filled with tension, mist covered every building in…

  • Explore the methods Steinbeck uses to demonstrate the effects of isolation on people in Of Mice and Men. Steinbeck demonstrates and develops characters through the idea of isolation, effects he uses contribute to the development of characters such as loneliness, prejudice, the American dream, broken dreams and relationships between individuals at that time. “S’pose you…

  • Explore the methods Steinbeck uses to demonstrate the effects of isolation on people in Of Mice and Men. Steinbeck demonstrates and develops characters through the idea of isolation, effects he uses contribute to the development of characters such as loneliness, prejudice, the American dream, broken dreams and relationships between individuals at that time. “S’pose you…

  • Steinbeck expresses a extreme level of isolation of any other individual who it not a white male, he expresses the isolation of the only female on the ranch through her husband Curley. Curley is a majorly aggressive and concealed character and Steinbeck uses him as a barrier to isolate his wife. Steinbeck isolates Crook in…