Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Steinbeck expresses a extreme level of isolation of any other individual who it not a white male, he expresses the isolation of the only female on the ranch through her husband Curley. Curley is a majorly aggressive and concealed character and Steinbeck uses him as a barrier to isolate his wife. Steinbeck isolates Crook in…

  • Steinbeck demonstrates and develops characters through the idea of isolation, effects he uses contribute to the development of characters, such as loneliness, prejudice, the American dream, Broken dreams and relationships between individuals. Paragraph 1: ISOLATION: ” This is just a nigger talkin’, an’ a busted-black nigger. So it don’t mean nothing, see?” “Why can’t I…

  • John Steinbeck uses various methods to underline the theme of loneliness, one very direct way he has portrayed this is by two characters having a conversation expressing their personal feelings “a guy talkin’ to another guy and it don’t make no difference if he don’t hear or understand. The thing is, they’re talkin’”. This indicates…

  • Crooks, My Character analysis.

    Quote 1: “I ain’t so crippled I can’t work like a son-of-a-butch if I want to” Description: “A lean negro head, lined with pain, the eyes patient” Description 2:”He’s body was bent over to the left by his crooked spine, and his eyes lay deep in his head, and because of their depth seemed to…

  • Notes on Of mice of men

    The main point John Steinbeck is trying to portray is the relationship disfunctions between people of that time, he portrays the lack of trust between people also for examole when the boss asked the question of if George is taking Lennies money for the work he will be doing. This is a perfect example of…

  • Great Depression was a worldwide business slump of the 1930’s. It ranked as the worst and longest period of high unemployment and low business activity in modern times. The Great Depression began in October 1929, when stock values in the United States dropped rapidly. Thousands of stockholders lost large sums of money. Many of these…

  • Controlled Assessment: Spoken Language Study

    Comment: This is a confident and interesting essay, that pays close attention to the question and develops a thoughtful, and at times sophisticated, response. The strengths of this piece are the attempts that were made to explore subtle ideas about language, such as the level of spontaneity or the involuntary nature of some features of…

  • Poetry Presentation: Come On Come Back, By Stevie Smith

  • I believe that this poem does not include a set answer of the meaning, I think that it has a different meanings due to the way you analyse or read this poem. To me this poem includes a young girl called vaudevue who’s mind and memories have been wiped by a armed force or some…

  • In this poem there is a use of present continuous tense, meaning the author has intended to tell the story from a “On going” present tense. The effect this has is small but a very effective one. The effect it has on the reader is quite intense as it give the reader/listener of the story…

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